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Virtual workshop for the presentation of the m-Learning app

In order to disseminate and promote the results of the Educage project and specifically the PR1-m-Learning App, informal carers were invited, to a lesser extent, through direct contact with a professional organisation (e.g. carers’ network) or through the Facebook (FB) pages of the carers’ groups. Given that the European population is constantly ageing and that all EU residents will/may become potential informal carers in their lifetime, the involvement of women (˃80%), who are predominantly over 65, was mainly through personal contacts. Where there is an informal carer in the family, but if she was not able to come or join the programme, the younger family member or the male family member was involved in learning about the results of the Educage project.

Given that the programme is all about providing knowledge related to caregiving, and all in digital format. It can therefore be doubly useful for the creation of possible new roles in the family (caregiver and cared person) and for introducing the older generation to the possibilities offered by digital tools and contents. Immediate relatives and family members have an important role to play in this transfer of knowledge, so that they can provide quick answers and solutions to problems that may arise during use.

Having assessed the need for a first face-to-face meeting, especially for people aged 65 and over, on 19th April 2024 a hybrid (presential and online) workshop have been organised. This allowed us to show the PR1-m-Learning App, the Blended Learning Course (BLC) and the Digital White Paper (DWP) directly on their laptops, on personal computers or on mobile phones to the attendees. Participants were helped step-by-step if something didn’t work or if they couldn’t access something online. After that, many of them attended the webinars held from 22 to 26 April 2024 (see attendance sheets). Those who attended the webinar on 19 April were those who could connect to the webs on their own. They also participated simultaneously in learning about the topics of the modules. The content of the modules was presented, the structure of the App, the BLC presentations and associated tests, as well as suggested reading materials and videos, and the structure of the DWP and what extra content can be accessed with it.

Upon their arrival, the in-person participants received a printed 2-page summary of the Educage project results and its usage showed mainly with icons (see in below, in 5.3 point). Given that the over 65 age group uses messenger more and more and has a FB profile, it was decided to organise some of the online sessions to be held from 22-26.04. 2024 on Zoom and some of the webinars as a Messenger group. The daily 1-hour events held usually in the afternoon or early evening, was a pre-defined topic that we done jointly review. The small group-style online meetings allowed for questions and gave everyone the opportunity to listen if they had a problem. We were also able to discuss other topics. Those who logged in for more than one session were asked to review topics at home as a homework and to report any questions or comments at the next session.

We also asked participants to actively participate in the content monitoring. If you find spelling mistakes, text that is not in Hungarian or is not understandable, please send them us so that we can correct them.

In summary, the online webinars had a positive outcome and overall the online workshops achieved and met the objectives for the event we have set.