Presential meeting @Guarda
On June 9th, the first face-to-face meeting of the EducAGE project took place. Until then, the meetings were in virtual mode. The meeting made it possible to strengthen ties between the partners and discuss the progress made and the following steps to achieve the goals.
Press report IPG 1st Presential meeting Guarda
The EducAGe pproject was reported in several media of the partners countries, have a look

Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (CCMIJU) – Espanha

MORE – Mountains of Research Collaborative Laboratory – Association (MORE CoLAB)

Semmelweis University – Hungria (SU)
EducAge – Kísérletes és Sebészeti Műtéttani Tanszék (semmelweis.hu)
https://semmelweis.hu/mutettan/kutatasi-temak/intezetunk(To see the post, please choose “személyes meeting” button.)