Public event for the presentation of EducAGE results
On the 29th of April, a Webinar organized by MORE took place to present and disseminate the results of the EducAGE project.
The EducAGE project, “Improving Competencies of older people caregivers towards Healthy Ageing through Digital Transformation,” is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. It was developed to enhance the skills of informal caregivers in promoting Healthy Ageing strategies by utilizing digital tools in their training and daily work. This project is led by the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (IPG) (Portugal) and involves the participation of the partners MORE Colab (Portugal), Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón – CCMIJU (Spain), Semmelweis Egyetem (Hungary), and Univerzita Karlova and Univerzita Hradec Králové (Czech Republic).
The session, particularly aimed at informal caregivers of older people, but open to the general population, was promoted by MORE – Collaborative Laboratory Mountains of Research – Association through the Teams platform.
The initiative was guided by three members of the MORE team and involved the participation of three more members from the same group. There were 34 participants, but only 26, including the MORE team, took part. The project’s objectives and main results were initially presented to the participants, focusing on three main areas: (i) counteracting the decline of intrinsic and functional capacities of the elderly, (ii) managing geriatric syndromes and other health problems, and (iii) interventions to support care delivery and prevent caregiver burden. The session then centred on one of the results – the hybrid course – with a practical demonstration of the course enrolment process, its operation, and the various available materials.
The event was enhanced by the dialogue and clarification of doubts among the stakeholders, who applied practical solutions available in the results of the project (Digital White Paper, hybrid course, and m-learning application). For more information about the project, please click here: https://educage-project.eu/ .